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NPK16-12-20s granular sulfur-based compound fertilizer

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-01-14


NPK16-12-20s fertilizer is produced by using amino acid compound fertilizer technology. It has high content of pure sulfur group, plus trace elements containing 3% humic acid and nitrate nitrogen. Suitable for sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation.


NPK16-12-20s fertilizer advantages

Loosening land, water and fertilizer

Active humic acid can activate beneficial microorganisms in the soil, promote the formation of soil aggregates, soften the soil, increase temperature and protect soil moisture, aeration and fertilizer, fundamentally solve acidification, salinity, and compaction, and provide a good growth environment for crops. That's right.

Slow-release long-term, stable

Active humic acid, like viscose and sponge, adsorbs fertilizers, so that nutrients are not lost, soil does not leak fertilizers, slow release nitrogen supply, activated phosphate fertilizers, synergistic potash fertilizers and trace elements; increase the utilization rate, long-term fertilizer efficiency without de-fertilization, Fertilization is more coordinated.

Developed root system, strong root squat

Active humic acid is a growth conditioner, which can promote root growth. The crop exhibits long roots, many fibrous roots, strong root squatting seedlings, developed root systems, and deep roots, making the crop resistant to lodging, drought, water, disease, cold, and robustness. Grow.

Thick, green leaves

Active humic acid can promote the formation of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll produces nutrients through photosynthesis, and more nutrients are produced by chlorophyll. It shows that the crop leaves are thick and green, and the crops grow well and grow fast.

Increase production and quality

Active humic acid can promote the robust and coordinated growth of crops, and improve the grain fullness, thousand-grain weight and product quality of field crops; apples, pears and other fruit trees show large uniform fruit, positive fruit shape, good coloring, good taste, good sales, Commodity rate is high; vegetables and other products appear fresh and tender, increasing their vitamin content, product quality and yield.


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