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NPK18-6-6 compound fertilizer ≥30% suppliers

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-01-11

NPK18-6-6 Compound fertilizer refers to chemical fertilizers containing two or more nutrients. NPK fertilizer have the advantages of high nutrient content, few auxiliary components, and good physical properties. They are very important for balanced fertilization, improving fertilizer utilization, and promoting high and stable crop yield Role.


Total nutrients ≥30%

Specification: 50kg

NPK18-6-6 fertilizer use

Suitable for rice, rape and other field crops and non-chlorine-resistant vegetables, fruits and other economic crops, can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing application;

NPK18-6-6 fertilizer characteristics

This product uses high-quality phosphorus and potassium fertilizer raw materials, fast absorption of crops, high fertilizer utilization rate, long fertilizer effect, and stamina; it is rich in a variety of medium and trace elements to meet the crop's comprehensive demand for nutrients.


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