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Microbial fertilizer-a "weapon" to improve soil

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-02-27

Microorganisms play a very important role in the input and output of soil material and energy, and are an important link in the material cycle chain. It can activate soil organic and inorganic nutrients, decompose organic matter, release nutrients, and increase the effectiveness of nutrients.

Microbial fertilizer-a "weapon" to improve soil

The current problems of soil compaction, acidification, salinization, poor soil, and land depletion are mainly caused by the long-term accumulation, residual, and ineffective decomposition and transformation of chemical fertilizers in the soil. Therefore, the top priority to solve the current soil ecological quality and crop yield is to increase the beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

As a living thing, biological inoculants are greatly restricted by the outside world. Even if it is the same kind of fungus, the soil texture and environmental conditions are different, the application effect may be very different.

At present, the domestic inoculum market is uneven. When choosing, it is recommended to choose an inoculant with more active bacteria, such as 2 billion microbial inoculants per gram, which has better soil activation ability. In addition, when choosing a bacterial agent manufacturer, no matter whether it is a large or a small manufacturer, it is necessary to make a test demonstration in advance.


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