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Lettuce is managed in this way, fertilization is reduced by 30% and yield is increased by 19%

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-02-23

Lettuce is a relatively common vegetable, which can be bought at the vegetable market all year round, and its taste is good, rich in nutrition, and very popular with everyone. How to plant and manage high-quality and high-yield lettuce?

Lettuce planting technology

Lettuce planting technology

1. Germination

When sowing in the high temperature season in summer, the seeds must first enter the field to germinate. If the temperature is higher than 25°C or lower than 8°C, the seeds will not germinate. Choose a good seed that is resistant to diseases and insect pests. Soak the seeds in water for about 5 hours, then remove them for storage. On the wet wipes, place them in a sealed and cool environment for inducing germination, and sowing after the seeds are 80% white.

2. Sowing seedlings

Before sowing, irrigate the soil with water, and then evenly spread the germinated seeds on the surface of the soil. Cover the soil with about 0.5-1 cm of fine soil, and germinate about a week after sowing. Keep the soil moist during the seedling period, and shading nets can be used to cover when the sun is too strong in summer. When the seedlings grow 3~4 true leaves, they can be planted, and the planting distance is 10~15 cm. At the same time, they should be watered thoroughly.

3. Field management

The demand for fertilizers in the growth process of lettuce is also relatively large. Generally, fertilization is applied every 7 to 10 hours, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and fertilization should be stopped one week before harvest. The lettuce likes to be moist, and it is generally watered once a day during the peak growth period, and watered sooner or later when necessary.

4. Harvest

Generally, the seedlings can be harvested one month after planting or when the plants have grown to 15 true leaves. The harvest time is selected in the morning, and the fully grown lettuce can be broken by hand.


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