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Key Points of Management Techniques for Corn Seedling

VIEWS: times Release Date:2021-01-19

Strengthen management during corn seedling

Key Points of Management Techniques for Corn Seedling

Maize is an annual herbaceous plant of the Gramineae family. In order to promote stable and high yield of maize and continuously improve maize quality, field management must be done well to provide good environmental conditions for maize growth. The corn seedling stage mainly refers to the corn seedling arching out of the soil to the jointing stage. At this stage, the corn seedlings are relatively fragile and vulnerable to extreme weather, pests and diseases, and weed competition. The management goal of the seedling stage is the seedlings, the seedlings are strong, and the seedlings are complete. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in checking and replenishing seedlings, thinning and fixing seedlings, cultivating weeds, and preventing and controlling diseases and insect pests.

1. Sowing points

Cultivating strong seedlings lays the foundation for high yield of corn. It is necessary to plant seeds in a timely manner to improve the quality of sowing, so as to achieve precise amount of seeds, uniform seeds, consistent depth, and tight soil covering, accelerate seed germination, prevent seedlings from missing ridges, and master the seeding depth. Make sure to sow the seedlings once.

2. Check fields for replanting, transplanting seedlings for replanting

After the maize emerges, it is necessary to check the seedlings in the field frequently. If the seedlings are found to be lacking, replant or transplant them in time. There are more lack of seedlings, soaked seeds can be used to rese Return seedlings to improve survival rate.

Generally, in the 3 to 4 leaf stage of the seedlings, the nutrients carried by the corn kernels are basically exhausted. The field seedling conditions should be checked in time and thinning should be carried out in a timely manner. If the seedlings are too crowded, it will not only affect photosynthesis, but also reduce the production of seedlings due to insufficient nutrition when they grow. The seedlings are in irregular plots. You can apply partial fertilizer to small and weak seedlings to promote their growth and development. Setting seedlings should be carried out at the time of five or six leaves, so that the seedlings are evenly retained, weak and strong, small and large, and disease and healthy. In addition, for plots with poor soil moisture and severe pest damage, thinning and setting of seedlings can be appropriately delayed to avoid dead seedlings lacking seedlings, but it should not exceed the 6-leaf stage at the latest. Too late will affect the growth of individual roots of the plants, which is harmful to the growth of seedlings.

 3. Early application of seedling fertilizer and cultivating

Early application of seedling fertilizer, combined with intertillage at the three-leaf period of corn, and application of seedling fertilizer will help obtain uniform and strong seedlings. Pay attention to the depth when fertilizing. If the distance is too large, it will not be conducive to root absorption. If the distance is too small, it will easily cause burnt seedlings. The fertilization depth should be controlled at 7cm, and the distance from the plant should be 7-10cm to ensure that the corn roots can effectively absorb and utilize nutrients.

Intertillage weeding can loosen the soil, increase soil temperature, promote the decomposition of organic matter, remove weeds in the field, promote the rapid development of corn seedling roots, and improve soil nutrient conditions. Generally, the first intertillage is started before the seedlings, and the depth is 3 to 5 cm. At that time, because the corn seedlings are short, you need to be careful not to crush or damage the seedlings; from the fixed seedling to the jointing stage, a second cultivating is required, with a depth of about 10cm, and generally 2-3 times of cultivating. Shovel the ground clean, especially shovel the "neck protection grass." Cultivation depth masters the principle of shallowness beside seedlings and deepness between rows, so as to cultivate the soil greatly to prevent lodging.

4. Squatting seedlings to promote growth

The time for squatting seedlings generally starts after the seedling stage and ends before the jointing stage. When the corn grows 4 to 5 leaves, the surrounding soil should be smashed by about 3cm when the seedlings are set to expose the underground stems and roots for 7 to 15 days. Combined with top dressing and soil sealing, the ground temperature can be increased. Squatting seedlings should be based on the principle of “squatting black but not yellow, squatting wet and not dry, squatting fat but not thin”, squatting only strong seedlings, not weak seedlings; squatting seedlings in wet soil, squatting seedlings in dry soil is not suitable; fertile soil Squat seedlings, do not squat seedlings in poor soil. The seedlings can be cultivated by scraping the soil and drying the roots and squatting the seedlings during the seedling period, combined with the field tillage loosening the soil.

5. Control underground pests

Agricultural control. Select resistant varieties, rationally rotate crops, eradicate weeds in the field in time, clean the fields, fertilize scientifically, and do not use immature fertilizers to reduce spawning.

Booby trap prevention. Use black light or fluorescent board to trap, or use sweet and sour liquid to trap.

Seed coating agent coating. Seed treatment is one of the most important, effective, convenient and economical plant protection methods. Seed treatment techniques include the following: one is chemical seed dressing; the second is chemical seed soaking; the third is chemical seed soaking.


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