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Which organic fertilizer is most suitable for "orchard" use?

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-12-20

Organic matter content is an important indicator of soil fertility. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen are positively correlated with fruit sugar content, and total phosphorus and total potassium are positively correlated with sugar-acid ratio. The application of organic fertilizer in orchard can increase the content of soil organic matter. Therefore, choosing a suitable organic fertilizer is an important condition for ensuring good growth of fruit trees and improving fruit quality.

Which organic fertilizer is most suitable for "orchard" use?

1. Use traditional organic fertilizer

The application of traditional organic fertilizer has a long history. So far, it is still the main method of applying base fertilizer in most orchards in autumn and winter. In production, composting, chicken manure, cow manure, pig manure, sheep manure and other livestock and poultry manure and human manure are commonly used in production. Wait.

Due to the large amount of traditional organic fertilizer per acre, deep digging and deep burial are required when applying, and the labor intensity is high, which seriously affects the enthusiasm of fruit farmers to apply basic fertilizer in autumn and supplement soil organic matter.

2. Apply commercial organic fertilizer

Using livestock and poultry manure, animal and plant residues and other organic matter-rich by-product resources as the main raw materials, the fertilizer made after decomposing and fermentation is called commercial organic fertilizer, which does not include green manure, farm manure and organic manure accumulated by farmers themselves.

Although organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is easy to produce, because its organic matter content is relatively low, if it is used as a fruit tree base fertilizer, the amount must be increased in actual production, there is a large waste, and it may even cause negative effects such as burning seedlings, and the cost of application Also greatly improved.

3. Apply bio-organic fertilizer

Bio-organic fertilizer refers to a type of microbial fertilizer and organic compound composed of specific functional microorganisms and organic materials that are mainly sourced from animal and plant residues (such as livestock and poultry manure, crop straw, etc.) and undergo harmless treatment and decomposing. Fertilizer effect.

Bio-organic fertilizer has complete nutrient elements, which can improve the physical and chemical properties of soil and enhance the ability of soil to retain water, fertilizer and supply. In production, biological bacterial fertilizer with an organic content of more than 50% is generally recommended to apply 120-150 kg per mu as base fertilizer or topdressing, which can reduce labor input.

4. Strategies and recommendations

In order to improve soil physical and chemical properties, increase fruit quality, produce high-quality fruit, save labor, and realize labor-saving and labor-saving fertilization, it is recommended to use high-concentration bio-organic fertilizer with an organic content of more than 40% as the base fertilizer for autumn and winter in orchard production. Planting green manure for years, supplemented by appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer during the growing season of the fruit trees, further optimizing the types of fertilizers in the orchard and creating high-quality orchards


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