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Several functions of fulvic acid fertilizer

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-11-29

Fulvic acid: As a plant growth regulator, it is the best component of soil humus. It can not only reduce the burden on crops, increase soil fertility, and enrich the substrate of soil bacteria, but also improve crop yield and quality, thereby helping Agriculture has achieved the long-term development goals of increasing production, improving quality, and cultivating land.

Several functions of fulvic acid fertilizer

Fulvic acid contains functional groups such as carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl groups. It has strong complexing, chelating and surface adsorption capabilities, which can reduce the loss of ammonium nitrogen; increase the distance of phosphorus in the soil and inhibit the fixation of water-soluble phosphorus in the soil. Invalid phosphorus is converted into effective phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of phosphorus by roots; fulvic acid can absorb and store potassium ions, increasing the content of effective potassium, especially for potash fertilizer. Experiments show that fulvic acid can increase the utilization rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients in fertilizers by more than 20%.

The effect of fulvic acid combined with nitrogen on plant growth and development is very obvious. When nitrogen and fulvic acid are sufficient, plants can synthesize more protein and promote cell division and growth. Therefore, the leaf area of plants grows quickly and more leaf area can be used for photosynthesis. It has obvious effect on promoting the growth of plants. Often after application, the leaf color quickly turns green and growth increases.

The acidic functional group of fulvic acid can absorb and store potassium ions, reducing the amount of potassium lost with water in sandy soil and soil with strong leaching. Fulvic acid can prevent the fixation of potassium by clay soil and increase the quantity of exchangeable potassium. Fulvic acid has a corrosive effect on potassium-containing minerals, slowly increasing the release of potassium and increasing the soil available potassium content. Fulvic acid can also use its biological activity to stimulate and regulate the physiological metabolic process of crops, increasing the potassium absorption by more than 30%.

 The combination of fulvic acid and potassium can promote photosynthesis, can significantly increase the absorption and utilization of nitrogen by plants, and quickly convert it into protein, and can also promote economical water use by plants.

The growth and development of crops requires not only a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but also trace elements such as iron, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper, etc. They are the constituents of various enzymes in the crops, which are helpful for promoting the normal growth and development of crops. Improving disease resistance, increasing yield and improving quality have important effects. Most of the trace elements in the soil are in an ineffective state that is difficult for plants to absorb, and the application of trace element fertilizers to the soil can easily be fixed by the soil.

Studies have pointed out: Fulvic acid can chelate with iron, zinc and other trace elements to form a fulvic acid trace element chelate that has good solubility and is easily absorbed by plants, such as fulvic acid-Zn, fulvic acid-Mn , Fulvic acid-Fe, etc., are beneficial to the absorption of roots or leaves, and can promote the movement of trace elements from roots to above ground.


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