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The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Phosphorus Fertilizer and Potassium Fertilizer in the Process of Cotton Growth

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-11-19

During the growth and development of cotton, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, and potassium fertilizer are the three essential nutrients for plants. So what exactly do they do and how should they be used?

The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Phosphorus Fertilizer and Potassium Fertilizer in the Process of Cotton Growth

The main effects of nitrogen fertilizer are as follows:

1. Nitrogen is a constituent element of chlorophyll, so when nitrogen fertilizer is lacking, most of the crops show chlorosis of leaves.

2. Nitrogen is also a constituent element of plant protein and nucleic acid. Plants have life only with it.

In fact, the main function of nitrogen fertilizer is to make cotton grow and grow leaves. The commonly used nitrogen fertilizer is urea. The nitrogen content of urea is generally about 46%, and the amount of urea is about 30-40 kg/mu.

The main functions of phosphate fertilizer are as follows:

1. Phosphorus is an important element that composes cell nucleus and protoplasm, and is a component of nucleic acid and nucleotide. Phospholipids, enzymes and plants in crops all contain phosphorus. Phosphorus participates in the formation of biofilms and carbohydrates, the synthesis, decomposition and operation of nitrogen-containing substances and fats and other metabolic processes. It is an essential nutrient for crop growth and development.

2. Phosphorus is also an important part of the inner nuclear protein of plants. It is mainly distributed in the vigorous locations of plants such as small leaves, sprouts, root tips, and is responsible for cell proliferation and genetic variation. This is why it is recommended that you apply the base fertilizer in autumn. Many farmers do not use the base fertilizer. Sometimes the cotton seedlings are not strong in the seedling stage, and it may be lack of phosphorus.

3. Since the phospholipids in phosphorus can form a cell membrane structure with proteins, it is equivalent to a protective film, which can enhance the resistance of crops, so if there is sufficient phosphate fertilizer, crop diseases will be less.

In fact, the main function of phosphate fertilizer can promote the differentiation of cotton flower buds and flowering and fruiting. The simple point is mainly for cotton bolls. Generally, the commonly used phosphate fertilizers are monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate, usually about 25 kg/mu.

The specific functions of potash fertilizer are as follows.

1. Potassium participates in the activities of various enzymes in plants and affects the transportation of substances in plants. The most important function of potassium fertilizer is to transmit. All nutrients are absorbed by plants from the soil. Without potassium, the rate at which plants absorb nutrients will slow down.

2. Potassium can promote the synthesis of starch and sugar. Sufficient potassium is conducive to photosynthesis of crops and can promote the increase of starch and sugar content. This is why melons and fruits have more potassium fertilizers, which will be sweeter.

3. Potassium fertilizer can increase the synthesis of oil and protein, which is conducive to the fullness of cotton seeds, and the full yield of cotton seeds will be better.

4. Potassium can thicken the cell wall of crops and increase the stress resistance of crops

5. Potassium can regulate the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm, control the opening and closing of the stomata of leaves, and reduce unnecessary water loss.

The main function of potash fertilizer can make cotton stalk stronger and increase yield. Generally, the commonly used potash fertilizers are potassium chloride, potassium oxide, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The amount of potash fertilizer is generally about 15 kg/mu.


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