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Precautions for using compound fertilizer

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Precautions for using compound fertilizer

1. Pay attention to choosing the right concentration

(1) Compound fertilizers are mostly formulated according to the average nutrient status of soil types in a certain area and the proportion of fertilizer required by crops. There are three common concentrations in the market: high, medium and low.

(2) Generally, the total nutrient content of high-concentration compound fertilizer is more than 40%, the medium concentration is 30-40%, and the low concentration is 25-30%. It is necessary to choose economical and efficient compound fertilizers according to different crops, soils and regions. In order to improve fertilizer utilization.

2. Pay attention to the use of nutrients and ingredients

(1) Different brands and concentrations of compound fertilizers use different raw materials and ratios. Different compound fertilizers should be selected according to soil types and crop types when using them.

(2) For example, compound fertilizers containing nitrate cannot be used in leafy vegetables and paddy fields; compound fertilizers containing ammonium ions cannot be used on saline soil; compound fertilizers containing potassium nitrate cannot be used in paddy fields and acid soils .

3. Pay attention to deep application

(1) Compound fertilizers often contain three elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen is easily volatilized or lost with rain after being applied to the ground. Phosphorus and potassium are easily fixed by soil, especially phosphorus has little mobility in soil.

(2) If applied to the ground, it is not easy to be absorbed and utilized by crop roots, so compound fertilizer needs to be applied deeply in the soil.


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