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How to use compound fertilizer

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-09-03

Compound fertilizer can be used as a base fertilizer, with a dosage of about 30-40 kg per mu. It can be applied in strips or in a hole; it can also be used as a top-dressing fertilizer. After the crop emerges, it is applied in a furrow and covered with soil and watered in time; it can also be used as a seed fertilizer. To use, after applying the seed hole during sowing, put compound fertilizer 5-10 cm apart.

How to use compound fertilizer

1. Use as base fertilizer

(1) Compound fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. The fertilizer effect is slow and stable, and it decomposes more slowly than elemental chemical fertilizer, and has less nutrient loss. When used as base fertilizer, the general dosage per mu is 30-40 kg, which can meet the needs of crops in the early stage. Nutrient needs.

(2) It should be noted that according to the fertilizer requirements of different crops, it is necessary to supplement the available nitrogen fertilizer in time when topdressing.

2. Use for top dressing

When compound fertilizer is used as top dressing, it can be mixed with water and sprayed on the crop, or it can be applied in a trench when the crop requires a large amount of fertilizer, and covered with soil and watered in time.

3. Use as seed fertilizer

The compound fertilizer has a high concentration. When applying as a seed fertilizer, it can be applied in a hole or strip application at a distance of about 5-10 cm from the seed. It is necessary to avoid direct contact between the seed and the fertilizer to avoid affecting the emergence of seedlings, or causing weak seedlings and rotten roots after emergence. phenomenon.


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