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Corn seedlings are of different sizes, when is the most appropriate time to apply foliar fertilizer?

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-08-19

The size of corn seedlings is different, which has a lot to do with the foliar fertilizer.

Corn seedlings are of different sizes, when is the most appropriate time to apply foliar fertilizer?

1. When is the foliar fertilizer sprayed?

Early stage: The best period is when corn seedlings grow 6 or 7 leaves.

Late period: The best period is one week before the ear of corn.

2. What kind of corn seedlings can be sprayed?

The effective period of foliar fertilizer is about 3 weeks, and the interval between the first and the second time is 10-15 days.

Try to take the medicine before 10 o'clock in the morning when the weather is not hot, and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

If the growth of corn is weak, you can fertilize it once. Fertilization requires growth-promoting urea, and fertilize 50 kilograms per acre.

After about 10 corn leaves are basically fully developed in the later period, you can also top-dressing by 50 kg.

Corn seedlings are of different sizes, when is the most appropriate time to apply foliar fertilizer?

Attention issues:

There are several periods in the growth process of corn that cannot be used as foliar fertilizers: flowering period and seedling period.

In addition, it is not advisable to fertilize in the afternoon when the temperature is exposed to the sun.


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