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Why use foliar fertilizer?

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-08-18

The method of spraying fertilizer solution to make plants obtain nutrients through leaves is called foliar fertilization. For the purpose of foliar absorption, the nutrients needed by crops are directly applied to foliar fertilizer, called foliar fertilizer.

Why use foliar fertilizer?

Foliar fertilization can directly enter the body from the leaves and participate in the metabolism of crops and the synthesis of organic matter. Therefore, it is faster and more effective than soil fertilization.

Why foliar spray?

1. Supplement the deficiency of root fertilization

When crop roots are inconvenient to fertilize, such as in the late crop growth period, the root vitality declines and the ability to absorb fertilizer decreases; or when the soil environment is unfavorable for crop growth, such as excessive moisture, drought, excessive soil acidity, and excessive alkalinity, resulting in crop roots Blocked absorption causes premature crop aging;

However, crops need to recover quickly. If root application cannot meet the needs of crops in time, only foliar sprays can quickly supplement nutrients and meet the needs of crop growth and development.

2. Supplement nutrition quickly

In the process of crop growth, crops have shown certain nutrient deficiencies. Since it takes a certain period of time for nutrients to be absorbed by the crops using soil fertilization, it cannot alleviate the symptoms of crop deficiency in time.

At this time, using foliar fertilization can make nutrients quickly enter the plant body through the leaves and solve the problem of nutrient deficiency.

3. Give full play to fertilizer efficiency

Certain fertilizers such as phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, etc., if applied as roots, are easy to be fixed by the soil and affect the application effect. However, foliar spraying will not be restricted by soil conditions.

For another example, some fruit trees and other deep-rooted crops have relatively low absorption of certain nutrients. If traditional fertilization methods are used, it is difficult to apply to the root absorption site and cannot fully exert its fertilizer effect. However, foliar spraying can achieve better effect.

4. Economical

Various trace elements are essential nutrients in the process of crop growth and development, but the application amount is very small, such as molybdenum fertilizer, the application amount is only a few grams per acre, and it is not easy to apply evenly if the root application method is used.

Only by foliar spraying can it be economically effective. According to research calculations, general crops sprayed with boron fertilizer on the foliar, the utilization rate of boron is more than 8 times that of base application. From the economic point of view, foliar spray is more cost-effective than root spray.

5. Reduce soil pollution

Applying a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer to the soil is easy to cause the accumulation of nitrate in groundwater and vegetables, which is harmful to human health. About 75% of the nitrate absorbed by humans comes from vegetables. If the method of foliar fertilization is adopted, the amount of soil fertilization can be appropriately reduced, which can reduce the nitrate content in plants and the residual mineral nitrogen in the soil.

On saline soil, soil fertilization may increase the concentration of soil solution and aggravate soil salinization. Taking foliar fertilization measures not only saves the amount of fertilization, but also reduces the pollution of soil and water sources, which is an effective fertilization technology that kills two birds with one stone.


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