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24 cash crop fertilization programs

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24 cash crop fertilization programs

1. Tomatoes

Potassium is the most, followed by nitrogen, and phosphorus is less. It is determined that for every 1000 kilograms of tomato produced, 7.8 kilograms of nitrogen, 1.3 kilograms of phosphorus, 15.9 kilograms of potassium, 2.1 kilograms of CaO, and 0.6 kilograms of MgO are required.

2. Cucumber

It has been determined that for every 1000 kg of cucumber produced, N1.9-2.7 kg of P2O50.8-0.9 kg must be absorbed from the soil. K2O3.5-4.0 kg. The absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:0.4:1.6. Cucumber requires the most potassium during its full growth period, followed by nitrogen.

3. Eggplant

The amount of potassium absorbed in the middle of growth is similar to that of nitrogen. In the later period of growth, the amount of potassium absorbed is much more than that of nitrogen. Although the amount of phosphorus absorbed in the later period has increased, it is much smaller than potassium and nitrogen. For every 1000 kg of eggplant produced, the amount of each element absorbed is 2.7-3.3 kg of nitrogen, 0.7-0.8 kg of phosphorus, 4.7-5.1 kg of potassium, 1.2 kg of calcium oxide, and 0.5 kg of magnesium oxide. The absorption ratio is roughly 3:1:1:1.5. The suitable formula of fertilizer should be 15:10:20.

4. Celery

The nitrogen requirement is the highest, followed by calcium and potassium, and phosphorus and magnesium are the least. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and magnesium is roughly 9.1:1.3:5.0:7.0:1.0. Generally produce 1000 kg of celery, the absorption of three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are 2.0 kg, 0.93 kg and 3.88 kg respectively.

5. Spinach

The production of 1,000 kg of spinach requires 1.6 kg of pure nitrogen, 0.83 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 1.8 kg of potassium oxide. More nitrogen fertilizer is required to promote leaf growth. In terms of the type of nitrogen fertilizer, the amount of fertilization and the time of fertilization, spinach is a typical vegetable that prefers nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. The ratio of nitrate nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen is more than 2:1, but the yield is higher, but single application of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer It will inhibit the absorption of K and Ca, bring ammonia damage and affect its growth.

6. Melon

Melon has a shorter growth period and requires less fertilizer. For every 1000 kilograms of melon produced, about 3.5 kilograms of nitrogen, 1.72 kilograms of phosphorus, and 6.88 kilograms of potassium are required. According to the conversion rate of fertilizer utilization, the ratio of the three elements in the actual fertilization is 1:1:1.

7. Chili

Pepper is a vegetable that requires a lot of fertilizer. It requires about 3.5-5.4 kg of nitrogen (N), 0.8-1.3 kg of phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and 5.5-7.2 kg of potassium oxide (K2O) for every 1000 kg produced.

8. Ginger

For every 1000 kg of fresh ginger produced, 6.34 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.6 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 9.27 kg of potassium oxide are required. The order of nutrient absorption is potassium>nitrogen>phosphorus. There are two peaks in nutrient demand. The first is The third branch period, the second is the rhizome enlargement period after the autumn. Principles of fertilization: re-apply organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, with a certain amount of compound fertilizer, top fertilizer is mainly compound fertilizer, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is reasonable.

9. Cabbage

To produce 5000 kg of Chinese cabbage per mu, 11 kg of pure nitrogen (N), 54.7 kg of pure phosphorus (P2O5), and 12.5 kg of pure potassium (K2O) are required from the soil. The ratio of the three is 1:0.4:1.1. During the period of vegetative growth of Chinese cabbage, sufficient oxygen nutrition promotes the formation of hypertrophic green leaves and improves photosynthetic efficiency, which has a particularly important role.

10. Yam

For each 1000 kg of tubers produced, 4.32 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.07 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 5.38 kg of potassium oxide are required. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium required is 4:1:5. same. Seedling stage: Plant growth is small. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is also small.

11. Potatoes

Potatoes are tuber crops. For every 1000 kilograms of fresh potatoes, 4.4 kilograms of nitrogen, 1.8 kilograms of phosphorus, and 7.9 kilograms of potassium are required. They are typical potassium-loving crops. The effect of increasing crop yield is potassium> nitrogen> phosphorus. Large output and large demand for basic fertilizer.

12, green onions

The basic fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, which requires complete nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Special attention should be paid to the application of sulfur fertilizer. The top dressing is based on the fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer, with the principle of "being light before the heavy, attacking the medium and making up the supplement". For every 1000 kilograms of green onions produced, it absorbs about 3.4 kilograms of nitrogen, 1.8 kilograms of phosphorus, and 6.0 kilograms of potassium, with a ratio of 1.9:1 : 3.3.

13. Garlic

Garlic is a potassium-like and sulfur-like crop. During the growth of garlic, the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients is more nitrogen and potassium, and less phosphorus. Generally 1500-2500 kg of fresh garlic per mu. The experiment proves that for every 1000 kg of garlic tubers produced, it takes about 4.8 kg of nitrogen, 1.4 kg of phosphorus, 4.4 kg of potassium, and 0.8 kg of sulfur; during the garlic growth cycle, the growth period of garlic sprouts to the period of garlic head expansion is its peak fertilizer demand period.

14. Leek

Leeks are very fertile, and their fertilizer requirements vary with age. Leeks planted that year, especially during the germination stage and seedling stage, consume less fertilizer. For leeks grown in 2-4 years, large growth requires more fertilizer. Generally, for every 1000kg of leek produced, N1.5-1.8kg, P0.5-0.6kg, and K1.7-2.0kg are required.

15. Taro

Among the three elements of fertilizers, potassium is needed the most, followed by nitrogen fertilizer, and phosphorus fertilizer is less. Generally, the ratio of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium for cultivated taro is 2:1:2.

16. Carrots

For every 1000 kg of carrots produced, 2.4-4.3 kg of nitrogen, 0.7-1.7 kg of phosphorus, and 5.7-11.7 kg of potassium are required. The law of fertilizer absorption is as follows: slow growth in the early stage of growth, rapid growth when the root system begins to expand in the middle and late stages, and nutrient absorption also increases with the increase in fertility.

17. Turnip

For every 1000 kg of radishes produced, N21-3.1 kg, P2O50.8-1.9 kg, and K2O3.8-5.6 kg need to be absorbed from the soil. The ratio of the three is 1:0.2:1.8. It can be seen that radishes are potassium-like vegetables, and nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied too much.

18. Loofah

Loofah grows fast, has many fruits, and likes fat, but the root system is shallow. Fertilizer absorption and weak fertility require loose and fertile soil, rich in organic matter. It is determined that for every 1000 kg of loofah produced, 1.9-2.7 kg of nitrogen, 0.8-0.9 kg of phosphorus, and 3.5-4.0 kg of potassium are required from the soil.

19. Kidney beans

The nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus, and phosphorus of kidney beans play an important role in the formation of kidney bean rhizobia and flowering and pod formation.

20. Pumpkin

Pumpkins have different nutrient absorption rates and absorption ratios at different stages of growth and development. Fewer fertilizers are needed at the seedling stage, and entering the fruit expansion stage is the period of greatest fertilizer demand, especially the absorption of nitrogen increases sharply, potassium also has a similar trend, and the absorption of phosphorus increases less.

The production of 1000 kg of pumpkin requires 3.5-5.5 kg of nitrogen (N), 1.5-2.2 kg of phosphorus (P2O5), and 5.3-7.29 kg of potassium (K2O). Pumpkins respond well to organic fertilizers such as manure and compost

21. Cherry

During the year, the amount of fertilizer required from the leaf-spreading stage to before fruit ripening is large, followed by the flowering and bud differentiation period after fruit harvest, and the amount of fertilizer required is less in the rest of the year. In the production, we must pay attention to fertilization before winter, flowering period and after fruit picking. This is an important measure to increase yield and improve quality.

22. Sweet Potato

Underground tubers are used as economic products for sweet potatoes. According to research, for every 1000 kg of fresh potatoes produced, nitrogen (N) 4.9-5.0 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1.3-2.0 kg, and potassium (K2O) 10.5-12.0 kg are required. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is about 1:0.3:2.1. During the lifetime of sweet potatoes, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are potassium, potassium is the second, nitrogen is the second, phosphorus is less, and the trend of absorbing water and nutrients from the soil is generally the same.

23. Grapes

According to the experiment, for every 100 kilograms of fruit, 300 grams of pure nitrogen, 150 grams of pure phosphorus, and 360 grams of pure potassium are required. With the fixed nutrients and loss required for the growth of vines, shoots, and leaves, a yield of 2,000 square meters is produced in 667 square meters. The park needs to apply 12.5-15.0 kg of pure nitrogen, 10-12.5 kg of pure phosphorus, and 10.0-15.0 kg of pure potassium every 667 square meters. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is roughly 10:5:12.

24. Cotton

The normal growth and development of cotton passes through the stages of seedling stage, bud stage, flower bell period, and flocking stage. Generally, 100 kg per 667 square meters of lint cotton needs 7-8 kg of nitrogen, 4-6 kg of phosphorus, and 7-15 kg of potassium;


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