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Best NPK fertilizer for Hami melon

VIEWS: times Release Date:2020-06-12

For the three conventional fertilizers of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, cantaloupe has the most potassium, followed by nitrogen, and the least phosphorus. According to research, every 100 kilograms of fresh cantaloupe produce 2.5-3.5 kg of nitrogen and 1.3-1.7 kg of phosphorus. , Potassium 4.4-4.6 kg. The period of the highest fertilizer demand is the fruiting period. During production, the principles of applying sufficient base fertilizer, reapplying swelling melon fertilizer, and cleverly applying foliar fertilizer should be mastered.

1. Base fertilizer

Best NPK fertilizer for Hami melon

Scientifically speaking, 2000 kg of fermented and rotted organic fertilizer and 10 kg per mu of biological bacterial fertilizer should be applied before planting cantaloupe, and some common chemical fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate 20 kg, calcium phosphate 25 kg, and diammonium phosphate 20 Kilograms, evenly mixed and applied.

2, top dressing

Best NPK fertilizer for Hami melon

1. At the seedling stage, Hami melon is a vine growing plant. For this reason, two or three fertilizers should be applied after the seedling stage and after planting. A balanced water-soluble fertilizer and a special water-soluble fertilizer for rooting can be selected. Washing with water can promote the rapid growth of Hami melon seedlings. Take root to absorb nutrients, expand the root system and improve growth.

2. The cantaloupe blooms in mid-April and matures in mid-late June. To this end, high phosphorus-type water-soluble fertilizers can be applied at the beginning of April every year, once or twice to promote the blooming of the cantaloupe, improve the fruit setting rate, and prevent the shortage of nutrients from causing flowering. phenomenon.

3. In the early stage of melon formation, 5-10 kilograms of high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer can be applied in the early stage of melon melon formation. Root flushing can promote the cantaloupe fruit stabilization and rapid expansion.

4. In the early stage of ripening, the cantaloupe can be applied with calcium peptide after the expansion, or it can be sprayed with calcium sugar alcohol to accelerate the ripening and improve the sweetness and taste of the cantaloupe.


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